Hi! You've reached the landing page for Toko's fanfiction. This website links to mirrors of Pinboard archives of fanfiction written by the LiveJournal user known as Toko, as well as his fic rec compendium.


Adulthood. Akira/Hikaru. Sometimes the rules change, and nobody tells you. (Angst.)

Apologetics. Ko/Hon.

Brief Encounter. Waya.

Pillow Talk. Akira/Hikaru, rated R for the words "naked" and "sweaty".

Untitled. Akira/Hikaru, elocution.

Untitled. Waya, Shindou, Go fangirls. Akira/Hikaru.

Ways Hikaru shows Akira he loves him without ever saying it because he's an emotionally stunted Japanese male. Akira/Hikaru.


Bonus: Hangover. Prince of Tennis, Tezuka/Ryoma.


Toko's Hikaru no Go Fic Rec Compendium


All fiction here is hosted by Aja with Toko's permission. If you have archives of other fics by Toko that aren't listed here, let me know and I'll be happy to add them to the collection!

If you'd like to contact Toko, please drop me a line on Twitter, Tumblr, or gmail and I'll be happy to pass it along!