
So Yoshitaka's Googling himself. Shut up, everyone does it. And when you seem to be incapable of getting out of the first prelims of the major titles and the miserable bastards at the Ki-in went and disestablished the Oteai, where you had a pretty good record, well, it's nice to be reminded that someone out there still thinks you're cool. Even if they're only people on the internet. No, seriously, shut up.

As for why he zeroes in on the completely random forum post that has the words "WAYA-SAN ♥♥♥" in the summary, well, he also hasn't been getting any since Go Seigen was in short pants.

"Oh... my... god," he says, a moment later. He clicks around, reading some of the other posts. Then he ends up at the main site the forum's attached to... and he finds the section marked "Archive". And once he's read a couple of the things in there, well...

The sheer sense of dear world why are you like this?! leaves him speechless for a couple of minutes. Then he realises that he wants to scream. Then he realises that he has his own apartment -- and so he does.


"Jeez, Waya, what is it?!" Shindou demands, rubbing at his arm.

"You don't use the internet much, do you, Shindou?" Yoshitaka asks.

"No," says Shindou, glaring, "I don't. And why was that so important that you--"

"Oh, just shut up for a minute," Yoshitaka says. "You should see this." He pulls his laptop out of his backpack and opens it up on one of the lunch tables. There's a tense pause while it wakes up and finds the building's wireless network, Yoshitaka feeling Shindou's glare on him, but eventually he's able to open the bookmark and turn the laptop towards Shindou, triumphantly.

Shindou says nothing, and Yoshitaka knows -- wishes he didn't, but the words are burned into his brain -- that he's reading the comment attached to that photo of Touya and Shindou getting out of the taxi at the Hokuto Cup:

They're so secretly doing it.

Shindou just stares for a moment. Then -- unexpectedly -- starts laughing.

"Oh my god," he manages to gasp, "Waya, is this for real?" He bends over the laptop and starts exploring the site. "'He's so cute!'" he reads. "'I love his hair! I tried to convince my little brother to let me do his hair like that but my mom wouldn't let me.' Wow, I feel like I should find out who that kid is and apologise." He clicks some more. "'Hikaru-chan can be my Honinbou any time. Except Touya has dibs.'" He frowns. "OK, that one's a bit tasteless. Now, what's this..." Yoshitaka groans inwardly, as Shindou starts to say, "Hikaru cross Akira. BL. Shindou and Touya discuss their games." There's a very long silence. Then he looks up at Yoshitaka. "Wow. Really?"

Yoshitaka nods. At last Shindou's starting to get it.

"OK," Shindou says, "I think I'm done reading this." He shuts the laptop.

"...that's it?" Yoshitaka demands.

Shindou looks at him, surprised. "It's a bit weird, and I could have lived without knowing there was porn starring me out there, but most of those people are just fans. At least they're not scary old men who beat me up whenever I lose sente, unlike some people..."

"Shindou," Yoshitaka says insistently. "You have fangirls. You're not in freaking KAT-TUN or something, you're a go player! And yet there are people who apparently spend their evenings inventing an, uh..." he coughs, "a scarily detailed romantic life for you -- for you and Touya!"

Shindou grins. "I think it's kind of cool. Besides, it's not like they're wrong...."

"That is completely not the point," Yoshitaka says. "Wait. What?"

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